Kitten Proofing Your Home
Just like human toddlers, young kittens are curious. They can get into all kinds of trouble, and they will chew on anything.
It is very important that as a new owner of a Maine Coon kitten, you meticulously prepare your home to be the safest environment possible.
Spending the time and effort to thoroughly examine your home and correct any hazards before you bring your new kitten home, will save you from the heartache of an injured kitten.
Household Hazards
Electrical cords/phone cords/computer cables
Unattended burners on stoves
Glow Sticks
Wall or space heaters
Unattended dish or bath water
Essential oils
Tiny objects that can be swallowed - jewelry
Human medications, especially NSAIDs
Chocolate & other toxic foods
Twist ties
Open toilet seats
Open oven doors
Open refrigerator doors
Open dishwasher doors
Open trash compactors
Spaces behind washer, dryer etc...
Liquid potpourri
Christmas decorations, watch out for tinsel!
Cleaning supplies & chemicals
Toxic plants
Unsecured HVAC registers
Open fireplaces
Open drawers and cupboards
Open windows and outside doors
Loose or damaged window screens
Automatic paper shredders
sewing items
Sharp objects
Rubber bands
Small button batteries
Plastic bags & bags with handles
Dental floss
Cat Toys
Not all cat toys are safe. For example, the eyes on "fur mice" have a sharp prong on the backside. This attaches it to the mouse. They can easily be pulled out & when swallowed will perforate a kitten's stomach. Remove eyes & noses etc... along with any strings, legs (often made from wire) or tails attached to the toys.
Cat toys made of Mylar, string, ribbon, or yarn are designed to be interactive toys only. Such long objects if ingested, tend to travel lengthwise along the intestines. They can cause the intestine to scrunch up accordion style, even turning in on itself like a sock. This is a life-threatening medical condition that requires immediate surgery to correct. Put these toys in a cupboard when you are done playing with your cat.
Accidents And Poisoning: How To Avoid Trips To The Vet
Permethrin poisoning from canine flea and tick products. Resulting in seizures, liver damage and is often fatal.
Xylitol toxicity. It can be found in many food products, such as ice cream and yogurt, cereals, and peanut butter. It is used in the coating of human medication (OTC and prescription), enticing the kitten to eat them because of its sweet taste. It is found in gums, candies, toothpastes, and shampoo. It is also used by compounding pharmacies to flavor medication. Check carefully!
D3 supplements. D3 poisoning can damage kidneys, heart, and lungs.
NSAIDs, both OTC and prescription are extremely toxic for cats.
Check under things and in areas where your vacuum doesn't fit for dangerous items, such as dropped human medications and small items that can be swallowed.
Reclining chairs. Always check underneath and up inside the chair for your kitten before you push it back in.
Be sure your kitten cannot get behind bookcases, appliances, or furniture that you cannot access.
Cover electric and computer cords. Kittens think these are perfect for teething.
Sitting or stepping on a kitten. Be sure to warn visitors to be watchful.
Rolling a chair over a kitten. They tend to silently lie nearby their owners.
Sleeping with a kitten and rolling over it.
Walking to the bathroom at night. Kittens tend either run ahead of or follow their owners.
Shutting the kitten in a closet, cupboard, or refrigerator. Kittens are always curious and watching what their owners are doing.
Kitten unknowingly darting into the garage and getting run over or running outside when you pull the car out.
Kittens will dart into clothes washers & dryers, dishwashers, and ovens. Always double check before turning them on.
Cellophane from cigarette packs. When swallowed stomach acid changes these wrappers into a glass-like substance. The same thing will happen with Christmas tinsel and mylar cat toys.
Glow sticks and glow jewelry poisoning.
Teach children respect for animals. No rough handling. Do not use your hands as a cat toy.
Securely cover heating & cooling vents with a screwed down grate.
Leaving your new kitten unattended with other pets or young children.